Will somebody or something make that brazenly shameless rat Kirby and this ilk just shut the fuck up. That is fucker’s chutzpah is breathtaking and I think he is one of the very few individuals there who isn’t even a Jew. The transatlantic Kosher Reich’s hypocrisy is mind-boggling, not just because of the ongoing US-administered genocide in Gaza, but South Korea, the malignant artificial US client statelet on the Korean peninsula, has also supplied half a million artillery shells and all sorts of equipment for murdering children and adults to the Zionist-run junta in Kiev. Now, if Koreans had sold some missiles to hurt the evil puppet regime in Kiev, then thank you, Koreans, we are grateful. And when push comes to shove, I hope, we’d help them too, we’d help them liberate the southern part of their country from American vermin and their native minions.

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