This is hilarious


This is hilarious.  Apparently the insurance will pay for this disaster but what if God strikes again?

The UK attacks Russian ship in Crimea


The UK has attacked an old cargo and debarkation ship in Crimea. They “advertised” their attack as something that the Ukraine (with the definite article) has pulled off but that’s laughable. By now, they had all but admitted to having perpetrated it. Alexander Mercouris mentioned the episode in his today’s program:     All right, […]

Merry Christmas


I am not a racist, in fact I am quite the opposite — though I also believe we must be racist to those tribes that act racist, we must hate the haters and kill the killers, and obviously African-Americans or just Africans are not among racists and haters (I personally feel a huge affinity for […]

Vorschmack and the Finnish phonetics

The Vorschmack and Finnish phonetics I am looking for a good Vorschmack (Vorsmack) recipe from the Swedish-speaking Finland or Baltic German recipe vault. The one that combines beef, herring and cognac. I haven’t yet found what I’ve been looking for — and I think that I might post some photos if I do and decide […]

Yeltsin and Biden May Meet Early Next Year

Now in case if you haven’t yet learned Russian the news item’s title proclaims: Yeltsin and Biden May Meet Yearly Next Year. There is a photograph of President Poutine (Putin) shaking hands with his American counterpart (in the sense that both men are usurpers) and the title is either a deliberate joke by the RIA […]